Tel: 918-960-2883
Achieving a Positive Parent-Child Relationship
Have you ever found yourself thinking, "my child and I are just alike," or "my child and I are so different that I'm not sure we are from the same planet?"
When you become a parent you start a life-long journey of learning and discovering. You are given the blessed opportunity to teach and guide your child to reach a level of emotional, social, physical, intellectual, and spiritual maturity that will allow him/her to function as a competent adult in society. What an awesome opportunity and responsibility you have!
At times you probably fall short of your expectations, while other times you may far exceed what you ever dreamt possible. Each and every isolated experience is part of your parenting journey. AS you and your child move through the stages of life, you will both continue to grow and change. Parenting skills that worked for you in the past may or may not be effective in the future. The intent of the Spectrum Development Parenting workshop is not to make you the perfect parent, or to produce the perfect child. There are no such people! So take the pressure off of yourself and your child.
The goal of the workshop is to help you gain a better understanding of your child and his/her needs, as well as to understand yourself in the parent role. By learning to appreciate the uniqueness of your relationship, you can secure the foundation for building a positive and effective parent-child relationship. Achieving a positive relationship will enable both of you to grow, develop, and flourish as unique individuals.
Utilizing experiential activities and discussions, workshop participants will be given the opportunity to identify and understand:
how children's personalities are shaped;
the psycho-social stages of child;
their child(ren)'s Color Spectrum;
how parenting styles are determined;
their parenting style;
how to assess parent-child interaction patterns;
how to express love to their children;
positive and effective discipline techniques.